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#65 - Update On My LendingClub P2P Investment Activity



Hey everyone, Kirk here again at Welcome back to the daily call. On today’s call, I want to do something a little bit different. I recently got a question from somebody who had listened to our original podcast, podcast show number 24 which was a long time ago, a couple of years now, maybe three years ago that we actually released this show and we talked about what I was doing in peer to peer lending, specifically with my lending club account which is where I had done a lot of peer to peer, P2P investing activity. I wanted to do a podcast where we did an update on this. I think it’d be important to talk about because I think I’ve made some changes to the way that I do things and I think that might be helpful. The original show like I said was number 24, so if you want to go back and listen to it, you can. I’m going to cover just the highlight of where things were at the time. But at the time that we did the show, we were generating after adjusted for losses on notes which if you’re not familia