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#77 - Overcoming Self-Imposed & Cognitive Limitations



Hey everyone and welcome back. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha. On today's daily call, I want to talk about overcoming self-imposed and cognitive limitations. I know that seems like a lot, but I think it’s going to be an interesting concept and topic. Also, today is my daughter’s fourth birthday which is very crazy. I can’t even believe she’s four already. Actually, she’s 16 to some degree, but I’m sure it’ll get much worse as she gets older and into the teenage years. But she’s a wonderful person, I love Molly to death and she makes me laugh all the time, so happy birthday. Again, today, we’re talking about overcoming self-imposed and cognitive limitations. What does this basically mean? This basically means that self-limitations are imposed on us by our brain and people don’t know this. I geek out about this stuff a lot because I’m a student of success, I’m a student of habit, I’m always trying to look for ways to improve and I love the whole self-improvement, self-awareness type of feel right now