The "daily Call" From Option Alpha: Options Trading | Stock Options | Stock Trading | Trading Online

#102 - Why Only 10% of Options Traders Are Successful (And 90% Fail)



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. On today’s call, I wanted to talk about why only 10% of options traders are actually successful and why I think 90% fail. I’ll start this out by saying that they don’t know where. These stats are just honestly pulled out of thin air because we hear all the time that people say 90% of traders fail. I don’t know what the actual numbers are. I don’t anybody has actually really tracked. I don’t think you can even track what the actual stock numbers are. But it’s probably safe to assume most businesses, most ventures that 90% or at least 90% of people actually fail trading options. I wanted to cover what I think… I just sat down this morning with my coffee and thought probably about six things or so that I think really are the main culprits if you will about why people fail trading and really don't find success, so I want to cover these with you guys here today. I think number one is just consistency. I think it has to be said that the biggest reaso