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#107 - Economic Data & Indicators: Jobs Report, Labor Report, Real GDP



Hey everyone and welcome back. This is Kirk here again from On today’s daily call, I want to talk about all the different economic data and indicators that are out there. In fact, not all of them, but I want to highlight some of them, maybe the top seven to eight or so that I think you should at least track or know about and be aware of during the month. Obviously, every single day, there's a lot of data that comes out about the economy, different sectors, different market reports come out and it can be overwhelming at some points, trying to understand exactly what’s going on, who's doing what, what sectors of the market are moving or not moving, contracting or expanding. And so, my goal in doing this podcast is just to maybe highlight some of the ones that you should be aware of. Now, I will be totally honest in saying that I don’t think you should necessarily track and chart and read every single report, but you should at least be aware of things when they come out. The way that I think abo