The "daily Call" From Option Alpha: Options Trading | Stock Options | Stock Trading | Trading Online

#108. - Investing in Real Estate vs. The Stock Market



Hey everyone, welcome back to the daily call. Today, I want to talk about the difference or at least how I think about investing in real estate versus the stock market. Again, the purpose of this is not to talk about all the benefits of investing in real estate versus trading or trading options in the market. I think I’m just generally going to talk about how I see both of these things in my life and how me and my wife have used both the stock market and real estate, how we piggyback one off of another and try to build out just a big framework for financial wealth and freedom. That’s really the goal of doing all of this obviously. Most of our money just so you know and most of our wealth is in what we do in options trading. Options trading is the fuel that drives all the different engines, I guess and in how I think about things. It is the lead of the train, so everything else follows behind it. What I’ve decided to do and what we decided to do many years ago now is we decided to start pulling money at some p