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#116 - Can I Still Be Assigned Stock After I Close My Option Trade?



Hey everyone, welcome back. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and on today’s daily call, I want to answer the question, “Can I still be assigned stock even after I close my option trade?” Look. This is going to be a quick one today because the short answer to this is no. Once you close your option position, there is no risk of assignment in that contract because frankly, you don't have the contract. I wanted to answer this question because it came in and it made me realize there’s still some nuances out there that I think people aren’t clear on and I think it comes down to honestly just over-thinking things, so just not thinking through the process, assuming that there's always still this lingering risk. But again, everything is actually pretty black and white when it comes to options trading in the sense of contracts, expiration, closings, etcetera. In today’s example, obviously, if you let’s say sold an option contract and you collected a premium which is what we typically do as option sellers at Opti