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#119 - Bullish, Bearish Or Neutral - Does It Really Matter For Traders?



Hey everyone, welcome back here. It’s Kirk here again at Option Alpha and in today's daily call, I want to talk about being bullish, bearish or neutral and answering the question, “Does it really matter for traders?” I’ll answer this question in two parts which is yes and no. You’re probably thinking to yourself, “Well, Kirk, that really doesn’t help.” But let me explain why I answered yes and no to the question, “Does it really matter?” Ultimately, I believe that it does not matter what direction you trade the market. When it comes to options trading, it doesn't matter what direction you trade the market because you can build an option strategy with the same probability of success and the same general risk parameters in any direction. Let me explain. If you are bullish on a stock, you can sell a put credit spread with a 70% chance of success and now, you are bullish on that underlying stock. If you're bearish on that stock, somebody else could come in and sell a call credit spread and be bearish on that stoc