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#121 - The Hidden Statistic About Goal Setting You've Never Heard



Hey everyone, welcome back to the daily call. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and today, I want to share with you guys this hidden statistic about goal-setting that you’ve probably never heard of before. In fact, I didn’t even hear about it until I knew it was out there, but I didn’t hear what the research was on it or didn’t see actual concrete numbers on this until just recently and I was reading another book because I just read lots and lots of books and saw this and I was like, “Man, I got to share this with everyone because it’s so, so powerful.” I know we’re 20 or so days into January in 2018 here and so, you’ve probably hopefully already set some goals, but it might be better to do just this one thing as you get started this year and help out. I’ve realized even just listening to this and reading this statistic about goal-setting that I’m basically already doing this in a way and I’ll talk about that here in a second which I think now, looking back on it has really helped me out. It’s really al