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#123 - The Prisoner Of War Psychology Lesson For Options Traders



Hey everyone, Kirk here again at Option Alpha and in this daily call, I want to talk about the prisoner of war psychology lesson that options traders should learn. This really comes down to understanding how people get through being prisoners of war which I was never a prisoner of war and I respect people who have been in that situation because I can’t even imagine what that's like. But when researchers went back and looked at how people got through prisoner of war type situations, being actually a prisoner of war or situations in which they were confined or in solitude or any of those situations where they were abducted and didn’t see daylight for days and weeks, how they got through that situation, the psychology behind that, it’s actually interesting to learn about how they got through those situations because I think it can ultimately help us become better options traders and here's why. When researchers did all of this research around people who are POWs, you would think that people who had insane optimi