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#132 - Comparing Long Term Vs Short Term Options



Hey everyone and welcome back, this is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and on today’s daily call, we are going to talk about the differences between long-term and short-term option contracts. Now again, this is going to be just really a high level discussion. Somebody submitted a question and said, “Basically, I just want to know… What are the main differences? What are just the broad strokes, things that we need to consider or think about as we start to think about trading shorter-term contracts, maybe weeklies versus longer-term contracts, a month or two months out?” Obviously, if you want more information on when to trade each or how far out to trade different strategies, check out our toolbox software which allows you to back-test different strategies, add different time periods, weekly contracts, monthly contracts. You can get a better idea of what works better in a given market environment or a given scenario and that’s available at First, let’s start with long-term. Long-term o