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#144 - What Are The Best Option Strategies For A Bear Market?



Hey everyone, this is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and in this daily call, we’re going to answer the question – “What are the best option strategies for a bear market?” Now, at the time that we’re recording this, we are not in a bear market, but inevitably, imagine that at some time in the future, we will be in a bear market and markets do correct, they do go down and we’ll probably see some volatility. And so, the question is, “How do we trade this? How do we not only protect ourselves from this, but how do we profit from a bear market move or a decline in the stock market?” The first thing I will tell you is that you have to wait. This is something that we definitely learned in lots and lots of research of back-testing different bear market scenarios, back-testing market crashes, not only global market crashes, but different actual ETF and sector crashes, like the crash that happened in the dollar, the crash that happened in gold and silver, in the oil markets. All of these different markets have very mu