The "daily Call" From Option Alpha: Options Trading | Stock Options | Stock Trading | Trading Online

#145 - Option Writing Strategies & Exiting Positions Before Expiration



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. On today’s daily call, we are going to be talking about option writing strategies and exiting these positions before expiration. Today's call basically came out of a question that somebody emailed me. Again, if you have a bunch of questions about options trading or strategies and you want to email them or tweet them in or leave us a private voicemail at, we will definitely get them added to the list for these daily calls because we’re doing them as you know, every single day. And so, this helps me just figure out what you guys want to hear and what you guys want to learn. In this case, somebody emailed in and they said, “Hey, can you close out a trade before expiration when writing options? Do you still get the premium? How does this whole process work out? I don't really understand and it doesn’t make sense.” Here’s the deal and we’ll just take this step by step. When you are doing an options writing strategy where you are