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#146 - Stock Trading Mistake: Forcing "Revenge" Because Of Missed Opportunities



Hey everyone, this is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, I want to talk about a huge stock trading mistake and that’s forcing revenge because of a missed opportunity. This is one that I know I struggle with initially when you start trading and I think everyone struggles with this as an investor. If you don’t, I don’t think you have emotions maybe or you’re just too robotic in your trading to begin with. But this concept that I see all the time and honestly, I see this still in people who say they are veteran traders to some degree, but they end up forcing revenge on the market by trading things that they should not trade or position sizing themselves in a way that exposes them to more risk because they think that they are missing an opportunity or because they think they have to fight back against the market. This concept really comes from in most cases, the world of gambling or poker, however you want to think about it. But if somebody's dealt a bad hand, what you'll s