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#149 - What Is The Last Trading Day For Index Weekly Options?



Hey everyone, this is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to be answering the question that was submitted, so thank you for… Bill is the one who submitted this question to me. “What is the last trading day for index weekly options?” Now, I can tell you right now, there’s a lot of different stuff about index options because recently, I think it was 2006, the CBOE began offering weeklies on Monday and Wednesday expiration. What typically happens for most weekly contracts and I’m not including indexes in this right now, although they are offered on indexes, is that the contracts will come out on Thursday and then expire the next Friday. That's basically how those regular weekly contracts work. And so, for most tickers, if they have weekly contracts, then that’s how it works. The contracts basically get issued or published officially on Thursday and then they expire the next Friday, although in most cases, you can actually see them for many, many consecutive wee