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#154 - The Federal Reserve Has Never (Ever) Predicted A Recession



Hey everyone, Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, I want to talk about why the Federal Reserve has never ever predicted a recession. I think this is actually pretty interesting. If you actually go back and really study the Federal Reserve and all of their predictions, all of their comments that they’ve put out… I think we haven’t talked about this earlier on a podcast. This is Show 154, so we’ve done a lot of them before. But I think we did cover the comments that have been made before by Bernanke and others. The thing is that the Federal Reserve literally has never ever predicted a recession in the US and constantly now, the market is looking towards the FED as like big daddy, big brother on where things are going to go. Like, “Hey. The markets are in turmoil. Let’s look at the FED. Where do they think that the markets are going to go?” But the reality is that they’ve never ever predicted a market recession and that's alarming. Even more so, if you look at… I think the