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#165 - Want To Quit Your Job To Trade Options? Do These 4 Things First



Hey everyone, Kirk here again from and welcome come back to the daily call. Today, we are going to talk about quitting your job to trade options. Really, I think there's four things that you need to do first if you want to quit your job and trade options. I think this is an interesting topic because people are really interested in quitting their job for some reason and wanting to quit their job and just trade full-time. Just for the record, I don't think you need to quit your job to trade and make a living trading. I think that it takes very little time actually to trade and trade successfully. In fact, you do not have to be glued to the computer screen all day. I would be a totally different person if I had to be glued to this computer screen all day. I tell people often that the reason I can run Option Alpha and watch my girls at home and stay at home with my wife and trade is because trading frankly does not take all of my time during the day. It’s maybe 30 minutes in the morning, 30 minute