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#166 - Practice Paper Trading Like Scotty Roberts Plays Basketball



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call from Option Alpha. In today's call, we are going to be talking about why you should practice paper trading like Scotty Roberts plays basketball. And so, you’re probably first wondering to yourself, “Who in the world is Scotty Roberts?” Well, that’s not his real name. I changed his name to protect his identity and just changed his last name. His first name was Scotty, but he was a guy that went to high school with us. He was a couple of years younger than me, but was a ridiculously good basketball player. Since this kid ever came into high school, he started playing basically varsity basketball as a freshmen and played all the way through his senior year and then went on to actually get a full ride scholarship and play for Division One school. He was really, really good. Now, he was not the tallest kid which was actually kind of interesting, but he was a great shooter. I mean, like really good shooter. I think in high school, I don't know what hi