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#171 - Can I Still Enter Your Trades Two Or Three Days Later?



Hey everyone, Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, I’m going to answer a question, “Can I still enter your trades two or three days later?” As part of our pro and elite membership, I obviously published the trades that I do. These are not buy or sell recommendations obviously of any kind. It's just truly what I do in my account. And so, people always try to mimic what I do and they try to ask like, “If you entered a trade on say Monday and now it’s Thursday, is that trade still valid?” Here’s what I say to people in this and that is that what you should always try to do is you should try to mimic the strategy or framework of what I was trying to do. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to mimic the exact strike prices that we did. It means that you should mimic the framework. Let’s say on Monday, the stock was trading at $100 and I sold an iron condor around this stock at $100, spreads were $5 out on either end, but now on Thursday, the stock is trading at $105, well, n