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#179 - The Sometimes Hidden Benefits Of Trading Options From Home



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to be talking about the sometimes hidden benefits of trading options from home. For me, when I started trading options from home, it was I guess you have this preconceived notion of what trading from home ends up being. But for me, it's very different than what I see portrayed online or what I see portrayed on the internet. The big thing for me was obviously, time with my wife and now, time with my kids. And so, those are kind of my nonfinancial things that I think are really invaluable to me moving forward in life. In fact, my oldest daughter, Molly just the other day, just had this really weird conversation with her about… I decided to go to like a coffee shop because I needed to do some recordings for podcasts and I needed to record some videos for the team and she was totally floored by this. I don't often go to a coffee shop. I just spend most of my time in my office at home and with them and when they're napping, I’ll