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#183 - Buying Stocks For Free Via - Easy Or Hard?



Hey everyone, Kirk here again at Welcome back to the daily call. Today, we're going to answer a user question that was basically submitted which is “Are buying stocks for free via Robinhood easy or hard?” I do have a Robinhood account. I’m very familiar with the platform. We actually interviewed their cofounder, Baiju just a couple of weeks ago depending on when you’re listening to this podcast. You can listen to that over on our weekly show where we talked about the history of Robinhood and where they're going with their new free options trading that they’re going to be releasing. I still have not gotten the free options trading on my end, so I'm signed up on the wait list because I want to see what it looks like and how it functions. I still have not got any up, but maybe I will here in the future. But I think that buying stocks on Robinhood for free is actually very, very easy. I think they've nailed the stock side of what they do. It's incredibly easy, incredibly intuitive. There's not to