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#188 - Don't Use Your Day Job As An Excuse For Not Trading Options



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to be talking about why you shouldn't use your day job as an excuse for not trading options. I do see this a lot. I see people using… In this case, we’ll just say your day job or your regular job as an excuse for why you shouldn’t be trading options. But I don't think it's just that. I think there's other things that people use as excuses or crutches, if you will. They use kids, they use their wife, they use their basketball team. I've seen people use their kid’s swim practice as excuses. “I can’t trade because they have swim practice every day.” But ultimately, I think you should find time to trade if it's important to you and I think frankly, your money is important to you or it should be important to you. You work really hard for your money, as do I and I wouldn’t want you to just blow it and throw it into the market. I’m actually just fascinated by that whole concept that people have or just this