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#189 - How Much Money Do You Need to Start Trading Options for Living?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, I'm answering the question, “How much money do you need to start trading options for a living?” This a big topic that we get all the time. People want to know, “How can I start trading options? How can I generate a living, an income from trading options?” I think it's a challenging topic for me to broach with people because frankly, there's a lot of misconceptions out there and a lot of stuff online that you see that just really isn't that true. And so, when I unfortunately have to tell people how much money they need to generate whatever income they’re looking for, it’s kind of shock. Unfortunately, I don't always want to be that person that gives them the shock, but I’d rather be the person that tells them honestly and upfront where they are. In most cases, that leads a lot of people away from us, meaning that they just don't think they can ever get to that point or they’ll ever get to that point, so they just