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#190 - When Trading Options Patience Pays 5X More Overtime



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call from Option Alpha. Today, we are going to be talking about why when you trade options, patience pays five times more over time. Now, I think the easy and simple way to describe this is to use the analogy of reaping what you sow. Basically, the concept here is when you plant or when you’re a farmer and you start to plant seeds or crops, it takes a long time for those crops to mature. You have to patiently wait for them. You plant, you water, you’re watering, you’re watering, you’re waiting, you're waiting and then boom! It’s like overnight, they pop. And then after they pop, then they just go bananas. We see this in our area where we live. There's a lot of cornfields. It’s truly like I didn't think I'd ever live in an area like this because I grew up in Northern Virginia and DC and lived in New York, so that was totally different to me. But now, there's a lot of cornfields and man, when you see the corn pop out of the ground, it literally feels l