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#191 - The Only Two Things You Can Control In The Stock Market



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about the only two things that you can control in the stock market. I will come out right away and tell you exactly what those two things are. The only two things you can control in the stock market is the underlying in which you trade or the security and the strategy or the technique in which you trade it. That's it. Now, this might come as actually a shock to some of you guys because many people still think that they can control the market. You either try to do it… I don’t know, like Jedi mind tricks or move the market with your mind. You stare at the screen so much until your eyes bleed because you want the stock to go up or down. But I have learned a long time ago that we have no control on price and direction. The only things that we can control are the underlyings in which we trade, the tickers in which we trade and the strategy in which we trade them. That’s it. Everything else is out of your control. The