The "daily Call" From Option Alpha: Options Trading | Stock Options | Stock Trading | Trading Online

#200 - Crowdsourcing Options Trading Ideas Through Automated "Opportunities"



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. Today, on Show #200 which is actually kind of crazy that we’re already at Show #200. I don’t feel like we've done 200 episodes, but clearly we have. But today, on Show #200, we are going to be talking about probably one of the coolest things that’s going to come out of our auto-trading software, a new platform that we’re going to be rolling out here soon and that is the crowd-sourcing of options trading ideas through these automated opportunities. That's a lot, right? You’re probably thinking to yourself like, “Okay, Kirk.” Well, let's break this down and see what this means. One of the things that I wanted to do for a really, really long time with Option Alpha is tap into the knowledgebase and pool of trading ideas that are present in our community. We've got thousands and thousands of members and we've got almost 100,000 now free members or registered members on our website which is insane. Once we launch the auto-trading software, ev