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#205 - People Are Attracted To The Stock Market For The Wrong Reasons



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. On today's daily call, we’re going to talk about probably the three reasons why I think people are attracted to the stock market for the wrong reasons. I’ve scripted out here three particular, I guess paradigms or things that we want to compare and contrast. When I boil this down, I was thinking about this before I started recording the show. I think there's a difference between what people actually are going after and what is potentially required of them to be successful and therein lies the difference between why people are invested or attracted to the stock market for the wrong reasons. The first one here is I think people are naturally attracted. There's no overstating this or overshadowing the reason why people get into the market and that's because they’re on a get-rich-quick. And while I don't condone on any level, get-rich-quick, what I do think people are attracted to is the allure of potentially making a lot of money in a very short t