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#218 - Employee Trading Restrictions & Trading Compliance



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about employee trading restrictions and trading compliance. I actually get a lot of questions about this. I get a lot of questions about how people want to try to get around these restrictions or compliance in their firm that they work for, company that they work for. The end result here is that you should not be trying to escape the system and get around some of these restrictions and trading compliance. If your firm or if the company that you work for has defined restrictions around trading or how you should notify people of your trading activities, you really want to follow those and not try to walk a very, very thin line. There is no room in this industry for people to be trying to manipulate the system. Now, in most cases, most companies… And you’ll have to check with your own company or your own firm for their particular regulations and laws. But most companies have restrictions