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#221 - Some Of The Biggest "Up Days" Happen In "Down Markets"



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to be hopefully shedding some light on a new topic that maybe you haven’t heard before. Some of you might before. But this idea that some of the biggest up days actually happen in down markets. This is fascinating stuff and I've known this for a while now, but it's recently come back to the surface because we had now the third largest up day that the DOW has had point wise in basically like the last 15, 20 years or so and it just happened back in March of this year. This again resurfaced to me because I got a lot of emails that people said, “Oh, my God, the markets. This is the bottom.” This is it back in March of this year because the DOW had the biggest up days and I calmly described, “Hey, listen. When the markets are really volatile, the DOW and every other market can have some of its biggest up days not in the top of a market, but not even at the bottom of a market. We’re still in the middle o