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#226 - Basic Understanding Of A Deep In The Money Call Option Strategy



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to be talking about getting a basic understanding of a deep in the money call option strategy. There's a lot of jargon in there and so, we want to break this down for you guys if you're getting started with options or if you’re new to options trading. The term “deep in the money” basically refers generally to option contracts which are more than $10 in many cases in the money, meaning they have intrinsic value or a lot of baked in intrinsic value right now. For call options, this would be strike prices that are at least $10 lower than where the stock is trading right now. For put options, that would be strike prices that are at least $10 higher than where the stock is trading right now. In either case, the idea here is that options that are far in the money have this deep intrinsic or high intrinsic value because they're so far in the money that if they were to be exercised right now, they do hav