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#228 - The Unconventional Guide To Trading Options With $500



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to go through my little unconventional guide to trading options with $500. Everyone always ask and we get a lot of emails from people saying, “How much money do I need to trade options? Can I trade options with $100? Can I trade options with $500?” And the simple answer to this is of course, you can do it. If you have a brokerage account and you have the ability to trade options, it can be done. Now, we always suggest (for full disclosure) that you start with somewhere around $3,000 to $5,000. The more money that you start with, the wider the opportunities you’re going to have to trade more positions, diversify your portfolio, get into additional legs of underlyings and it’s going to be a dramatic improvement on your P&L with your ability to trade more contracts. But if you are starting with $500, here's what I suggest you do. I suggest you start trading options on stocks that are really low-pri