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#241 - The "Unicorn" Options Strategy Theory Destroys Many Portfolios



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why the unicorn option strategy theory destroys many portfolios. The unicorn option strategy is just this concept that there is one overarching strategy in the market, the best strategy, the ultimate strategy, whatever you want to label it as. There’s one option strategy that is the perfect strategy in every market environment. And so, if you could only find that one perfect option strategy or that one perfect indicator, then you wouldn’t need anything else. And the reality is that destroys a lot of portfolios because what people end up doing is they’re treating all market situations as exactly the same which is what we shouldn’t be doing. We should be more dynamic in our approach. We should change and adapt our strategy somewhat to different market situations. And so, I’ll use an analogy because I thought this… And this is really what sparked this idea today for the call, is I w