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#246 - The Failure Of Speculation Disguised As Income Investing



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about the failure of speculation disguised as income trading. Let's call a spade a spade here. I see this all over the place, not only with people that I'm emailing or chatting with, but also on the boards and groups and forums that I literally just spent my time watching, reading and monitoring and seeing what people do. I’m kind of fascinated with the investor psychology, so I don't interact a lot, but I also just watch and see what people do, what questions they post, what trades they post, how other people respond. It's fascinating to me to see so many people who are so heavily invested in options trading and theoretically, for income. They are investing because they want to generate income and they want to quit their job or whatever the reason is, but their actions are more like speculators. In fact, it's more like gambling in many cases. And so, I often relate this actually to