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#247 - Options Trading FAQs & The Option Alpha "Answer Vault"



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to be talking about options trading FAQs and the Option Alpha Answer Vault. Look. This is nothing more than a shameless push to get you guys into our Option Alpha Answer Vault which you can get to on the website or just by searching online, Answer Vault by Option Alpha. Now, the reason that I’m pushing this is because one, it's totally free and two, because we are constantly adding new questions to the Answer Vault. The reason that I actually built the Answer Vault I think almost 9 years ago now is because I started getting the same questions over and over and it was around the same types of topics. I’d get very much the same series of questions around options expiration or around options basics or exiting positions and portfolio management, so I built out this entire Option Alpha Answer Vault that has all kinds of different categories. I think we've got 12 or 13 different categories right now. And wi