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#256 - How To Invest In Precious Metals Using Diversified ETFs



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re answering the question, “How to invest in precious metals using diversified ETFs?” Look. Precious metals I think are an important part of the markets in general and they still are becoming a more important part of the global economy even as industrial nations start to continue to grow and new industrial nations start to grow things like silver and steel and precious metals. It all becomes really, really important. Do I think it's a major part of every market? Of course not. But is it tradable for us as options traders and investors? 100%. The question becomes, “How do you invest in these things if you want to do it from a nonphysical side? You do not want to physically own silver or physically own gold or any of these other metals or precious commodities. How do you do it from the ETF side?” But there's a lot of ETFs out there and so, I think the starting point for me would be if you want to trade them from