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#272 - Intraday Trading - Can It Work For Options Traders Too?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to be talking about intraday trading and answering the question, “Can it work for options traders too?” I think a lot of people are drawn to the idea of trading intraday, so day trading, if you will, entering a position, having this huge profit show up in 15 minutes or 20 minutes and then exiting the position. And in fact, as I've been watching a lot of communities and Facebook groups out there, particularly in the Robinhood space because people are getting in for no commissions, I’m seeing people posting all of their gains and profits and losers and winners on intraday trading and then everyone else is supporting them and saying “Keep at it. Intraday trading works.” and people are starting with a $200 account and risking $100 per trade. I think the reality is that of course, it probably works for some people. I’m not going to say that it absolutely emphatically does not work. That’d be ignorant of