

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, I’m going to talk about how I became an options trader and just a little bit of my path and journey basically since I graduated college and what I started doing and how I took this path and becoming now a full-time options trader for over 10 years. I originally started in college as a finance major. I’ve always been a finance major in college. And when I graduated from the University of Virginia, I decided that I wanted to be an investment banker. Now, all full disclosure, looking back on it now, everybody in my class decided they wanted to be an investment banker or a hedge fund analyst or an equities trader. I mean, it was literally the only thing that you did. I mean, if you said you did anything else, it was kind of looked down upon to some degree that you are deciding to take a different path. All of my friends were getting interviews in New York and going back and forth to New York to become investment banke