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#282 - Parkinson's Law Applied To Options Traders



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about how we can apply Parkinson's Law to options traders. Parkinson's Law is probably something you’ve heard about before, whether it's in psychology class in college or high school or you just heard people talking about it. If you're a geek of success and understanding people who are successful and companies who are successful, you’d understand that Parkinson's Law is talking about generally, the idea that a task that you're trying to do or some activity that you’re trying to do is going to swell in perceived importance compared to the relation of time that you allocate for its completion. For example, if you said, “Okay. I'm going to build a shed in my backyard.” And you gave yourself a year to build the shed because you figured, “I need time to draw up the plans and do the base and the framing and the roofing and put the shingles on, the whole deal.” It's going to seem like this hug