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#283 - Should You Look At Individual Stock IV Or The VIX?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to talk about – Should you look at individual stock IV or VIX? The simple answer to this, I believe is you should be looking at both. The VIX in and of itself, I don't think is the only thing you should be looking at because remember, the VIX is measuring implied volatility on the S&P 500, so it's basically just a way to chart or to track volatility on the S&P. Now, we could obviously track individual volatility on every stock and ETF out there. It’s not that hard to do. Every individual stock and ETF could have its own VIX like ticker symbol if we had exchanges that wanted to trade these and products that were related around them. The VIX in and of itself, I don't think is the only thing you should be looking at. And case in point to use kind of some concrete examples and numbers right now, the VIX right now is trading in the low teens and the S&P 500 is rallying higher, so it’s up on th