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#285 - Zero Risk Option Trades? Yes, It's Possible



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about risk-free option trades. And yes, it is possible to have risk-free option trades, but I see a lot of crap being submitted out there online and people writing up articles about this and honestly, trying to bait and switch people into getting into programs that teach you how to do risk-free options trading. But I’ll show you how you can do it here. It is possible to do, but you can't do it right off the bat. You have to do a position that actually takes on risk before you basically convert an option trade into a risk-free potential trade. Now, we've done these a couple of times. It doesn't always work out perfectly, but we’ve done them a number of times and we have case studies on the website that you can check out. You can look up one that’s called risk-free DIA iron condor. That's a great little case study that we walk through and I’ll mention this as we go through today’s daily