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#286 - Pros & Cons Of Forex Trading For The Average Investor



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about the pros and cons, generally of Forex trading for the average investor. We did a little bit of a series a couple of weeks ago on Forex trading and I wanted to circle back and just go over some of the pros and cons, I guess for the average person who’s maybe considering it or thought about Forex trading. Look. Forex trading in general, I think is very attractive to a lot of people because of the liquidity, because of the 24/7 markets that you can trade Forex in. I think it draws a lot of people in because of the appeal and the size and just this connotation that Forex trading is awesome. But I think it carries a lot more risk than people are really ready for. And so, I think for the average investor, it's not something necessarily that they have to do or that they need to do to be successful. I think Forex markets serve a very definitive purpose as we talked about in other shows in