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#293 - Consistency Hack: Never Walk By Another Dirty Sock



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about my personal consistency hack that I’ve been doing the last couple of weeks and it's been a huge difference and that is, “I never walk by another dirty sock ever again.” You might think to yourself that's totally random and totally weird, but here’s the idea. Well, we have out third kid now, Colin and he’s growing up really fast and it seems like every day, the house is a mess. I mean, like we work and live in the house. We do not go out to work. We work where we live and live where we play and the whole deal with three kids in a small house. And so, what I have found to be really annoying because I’m the type of person that wants everything very much organized, always clean, always put away, is that having three kids seems like I'm just chasing a dumpster all over the place every day. What I started to do awhile back was I started to ignore it. I said, “You know what? I just can’t