

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why new habits are lost after only three days. And you heard me right. It only takes three days to lose a new habit which is incredible. Most research suggests that it takes maybe even a little bit less than that, but I'm being generous in saying – Look. It takes probably about three days for you to lose a new habit which means that you really have to fight, like you have to deliberately fight against a habit that you currently have that you want to change and remove the routine that you have and replace it with a new routine before that habit will start to become automatic. And the problem is that your brain has no idea how to differentiate between good and bad habits and that's really the most challenging part about the psychology of developing habits and even changing habits, is that your brain is not hardwired to make rational decisions like that. Your brain is put in place t