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#305 - How To Cut 15% Out Of Your Monthly Expenses Right Now



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to talk about how me and my wife just recently went through and cut 15% out of our monthly expenses right now. This is a big one for me. I’m a big fan of budgeting. I’m a big fan of reducing your expenses at all cost. In fact, one of the major reasons why we were able to start trading for a living from home more than 10 years ago is because me and my wife sat down and decided that we wanted to do this and we knew that part of being successful in this business would mean that we have to cut back on expenses because expenses, although it may seem like they’re not that important, actually can really creep up on you. We decided to do a lot of different things early on. We moved into a small condo, we had no car payments. I mean, we did all, honestly the right financial things early on that were tough decisions because everyone else was buying houses and they had sweet cars and we had very old crappy cars