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#306 - Even The Smartest People In The World Don't Recognize Optimistic Denial



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why even the smartest people in the world don't recognize optimistic denial. I wanted to start off with just a very quick story and the quick story is about some, let’s say friends/relatives that we know that got married. In fact, it was actually the girl who married a guy. Really, really smart girl. In fact, probably one of the smartest people that I know. I mean, really, she's a chemist and a scientist and very, very smart. And she ended up marrying a guy who was just as smart as her, very smart guy, engineer and they had troubles early in their engagement. And they thought to themselves and I remember talking to them and my wife and I were talking to them about their engagement and their upcoming wedding and they thought to themselves that once they got married that everything would be better and for some reason that the act of marriage would then solve their problems which if you’re