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#313 - Avoiding False Urgencies Is A Learned Skill



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about avoiding false urgencies and why this is a learned skill. I will be the first in line to say that this is absolutely one of my biggest weaknesses as a person also running a business, father, everything. I am 100% the type of person where if I see something that needs to be done or I get pulled in a different direction, I immediately try to finish or complete whatever I get pulled into that direction of doing before I get back on track and start to get focused on I guess the bigger task of the day or the more important task of the day. You could say that in some respects, I very much act like a fire starter and fire put or outer. I like too, it seems like and I am retroactively looking at this or I'm looking at this in the rearview mirror now. I like to generally look at a lot of things during the day, I have a lot of applications open on my computer and if something comes up, even