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#329 - Why I Think Volume Flow In Options Is Overly Subjective



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why I think volume flow in options is overly subjective. I was on a radio show, an internet radio show just a couple of weeks ago. You may even be able to find it online or search it on YouTube. But I was on a panel, if you will with some other people and we were just talking about stocks that people had questions about and the markets and where things were going and I think it was interesting and I enjoyed being there because I found that a lot of these guys have so, so subjective views of the markets. And I don't know any of these guys personally as traders, so I have no idea if they’re actually good or not or if they’re just blowing smoke, but in many respects, the entire hour segment of this radio show with all of these different interview guest was mostly me sitting on camera in my little Google Hangout corner of the video, mostly me sitting on camera just sitting back in my