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#335 - You'll NEVER Be Great At Something You Only Do Once



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why you’ll never be great at something you only do once. I don't actually know where this came from. I had it written down on my notebook and I was just kind of reviewing it just the other day and I’ve scripted this out to have this call today and talk about it because I wanted to revisit this because I think it’s an important topic not only for trading, but just generally, I guess. If you do know who is, I guess the author of this quote, let me know because I couldn’t find it online. I tried to search. Usually that does the trick. But I don’t know who said this first. But it's a great quote and it's really important on the options trading side because what I think I see a lot of people do is they try really, really hard and I respect this. They try really hard to understand the markets. They try really hard to get into their first couple of trades, setup their account and do all