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#341 - The Cyclical End Of Index Investing Is Near



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why I believe that the cyclical end of index investing is near. In fact, I think it's probably pretty close. Maybe a couple of years out at the most, I think that this market is going to spell the top four index investing and something else will evolve and kind of transpire out of the markets, potentially more of an active automated thing as far as what the next big thing is in the market. Now, for one minute, just try to remove yourself from being overly-emotional when I say this because I know that immediately when you saw the title of this podcast or even started this podcast, you might think to yourself, “No way. No how. This guy is absolutely insane. He's crazy. Index investing is the only way to go. There's no way that you could do anything different.” But for one minute, just maybe take one step back and think about it from a different perspective and I’ll offer up this log