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#352 - Trading During Pre-Market & After Hours Sessions



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about trading during premarket and afterhours sessions. Premarket and afterhours sessions are the times (directly like it suggests) right before the market opens regularly around 9:30 Eastern Time in New York and then directly after the market closes which is usually 4:00 PM Eastern Time in New York. Those are those premarket or afterhours sessions. Now, we typically see and hear about these premarket and afterhours sessions because of stock earnings or announcements and we hear one stock is trading higher afterhours or trading lower afterhours. This is why we typically see these environments happen. And so, what a lot of brokers are doing is now allowing many people to start trading the underlying stocks during these time periods. And so, we’re specifically talking about the actual stocks themselves, not the options contracts. During these time periods, it's a good opportunity to quick