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#354 - The Ultimate "Quick" Guide To Paper Trading



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, I want to go through my ultimate quick guide to paper trading. In particular, I want to walk through some of the benefits and drawbacks to paper trading. Now, paper trading is just this concept of simulated or basically, fake trading in the stock market as a means to understand how different broker platforms work, understand how the mechanics of a particular market might work and again, it's an idea that you can trade in this enclosed sandbox without putting real money at risk. Now, of course, this comes with some benefits and some drawbacks. Now, to me, the single biggest benefit to paper trading is that again, it helps you get familiar with the mechanics of how a trade works, how to place an order, how to associate different option contracts together, setup the pricing and then actually start to execute on that pricing. It gives you the ability also to enter a lot of trades at the same time which you might not